Saturday, April 14, 2018


DALIT   ONLINE   –  e  News  Weekly
Spreading the light of humanity & freedom
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.14..Issue.15........15  / 04 / 2018

PIL –  Reservation for Dalits & Muslims





editor  Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s Diary ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Honourable Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka ,
Honourable Pricipal Cabinet Secretary , GOI  & Others



To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:
   Dalits & backward caste people  have suffered innumerably for centuries  at the hands of forward caste people. It  was nothing but APARTHEID policy.
   Muslims and other  people  whoes numbers were minor  also suffered persecution.
   Our constitutional framers  to provide  equal oppurtunity to all indian citizens gave certain transient  measures like reservation in schools , college , jobs , etc to these persecuted people.
   Now even after 70 years of independence &  reservation , affirmative policies of government still  many dalits , minorities are  suffering. Creamy layers of  dalits , muslims  with political connections  have over used , reservation benefits to the maximum denying their own dalit , muslim brothers , sisters of reservation benefits. As  a result  few dalits , muslims  have become well educated , rich while their  poor brothers suffer in ghettos , slums.
   Private sector   which  enjoys loans , subsidies , other benefits from government  , public banks  are not bound  by reservation policy , are not bound by social obligation to provide reservation to dalits & muslims.
   Successive governments  are indirectly  segregating people with new names & using them as vote banks. Affirmative actions of government  are creating inequalities in society, while constitution of india mandates to treat all citizens as equals.

2. Question(s) of Law:
Why NOT  reservation policy  cover all dalits , muslims & minorities ?  Why NOT uniform civil code ?

3. Grounds:

Request for  Protection of Fundamental & Human Right of Equality of all Indian Citizens  in all spheres..

4. Averment:
a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to  enact UNIFORM CIVIL CODE.
b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.
c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.
d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.
e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.

In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to legally enforce  Uniform Civil Code.
b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.
c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.
d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.
e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.

f. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.


Dated : 05.12.2017          ………………..FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….PETITIONER-IN-PERSON

PIL - Atrocities against Dalits by Government


editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State
Cabinet Secretary , Government of India , Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others


To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.

1. Facts of the case:
"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.

In  India  dalits  , tribals  are oppressed in various ways by the influential people with the  aid of authorities  and  by authorities , police themselves.
India  is a democratic country  with people’s self governance. Here  laws must be framed as per the wishes of people. MPs , MLAs , MLCs  are  just postmans of  public  passing on the message of people’s aspirations  in the respective  houses , parliament , legislative assembly.
MPs , MLAs , MLCs  don’t have legal , moral , democratic right to impose  any laws  much against the wishes of their own people. It  is illegal.  When people in a specified area doesn’t want  a bauxite mining company in their area  as it affects the local ecology ,  their livelihood , their health , life  how can  MPs , MLAs  give legal sanction to establishment of such companies ? How can MPs , MLAs impose such projects on people much against their wishes ?
These type  of  functioning by ruling MPs , MLAs since decades favoring the rich  , suppressing the  poor   has given rise to various people movements  including naxalism. Ofcourse  , as the act of our MPs , MLAs are illegal , some acts of  these movements are also illegal.  Instead the  people  associated with these movements must take up non violent path for expressing their disagreements with the government actions.
The government  by  misusing it’s powers , police machinery  is illegally arresting , torturing innocents , murdering innocents  to suppress the voices seeking justice. The government  is also  illegally  aiding  various  terrorist outfits like salwa judum , salwa judum-2 , Jharkhand jan mukti parishad , etc all to silence  voices seeking justice.
The government  is  targeting , illegally arresting , torturing journalists , lawyers  who are  legally supporting the voices seeking justice. The government has gone to the extreme  of   SUMMARILY  DISMISSING A SITTING  JUDGE  as  he  legally did his duty & upheld the rule of law.

2. Question(s) of Law:
Are NOT Dalits , Tribals  citizens of India ? Don’t Dalit’s , Tribals  have constitutional rights & human rights to be treated equally ? Why not criminal prosecution of high & mighty practicing dalit atrocities, atrocities against dalits , tribals ?

3. Grounds:
Requests for equitable justice , Protection of Fundamental & Human Rights of all DALITs & TRIBALs.

4. Averment:

Corrupt people within Government  in their greed for money are framing illegal , unjust laws much against the aspirations of people. Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the Government of india  and all state governments  to  protect the constitutional rights , human rights of all dalits , tribals in india and to strictly work , legislate laws as per the wishes , aspirations of people.

In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

 Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants  of government of india and all state governments in the following cases to perform their duties.
 To immediately reinstate Mr. Prabhakar Gwal , Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sukma , Chattisgarh into judicial service.
 To make posting at the same place , same court of Sukma , so that he can  complete the cases concerning the  powers that be to the logical end.
 To initiate  criminal legal prosecution  against  district collector , police officials , public servants  who directly & indirectly interfered  in the judicial duties performed by Mr. GWAL.
 To initiate criminal legal  prosecution against  Chhattisgarh  High Court Judges  who instead of upholding rule of law , supporting Mr. Gwal in his duties  took sides with criminal nexus , powers that be and repeatedly transferred him and now dismissed him from service without  enquiry.
 To reopen all the  buried cases which were dealt by Mr. Gwal and buried by transfer of  judge  Mr. Gwal. To take action against ministers , public servants  involved in those cases.
To initiate  criminal action against  sukma district collector , police officials  and Chhattisgarh  High Court  Judges  on  charges of Atrocities against  DALIT  Mr. Gwal  who  was repeatedly  harassed  by  them.
 To initiate  criminal  prosecution under anti terror laws ,  against  present  and past  chattisgarh state government ministers , central government  ministers , other state government ministers of jharkand , bihar , Andhra Pradesh , odisha , west Bengal , etc  and   police officials , public servants  of those governments who  were and are  responsible for creation  of terror outfits like SALWA JUDUM  , it’s recent  terror child salwa judum – 2 , Jharkhand mukti parishad , etc. These public servants   have indulged in terror acts of salwa judum , other outfits  by aiding & sponsoring it , which is against law.
To immediately  annul all the laws , orders passed  by government of india , other state governments  authorizing land acquisition , establishment of big industries , mines  much  against the wishes , aspirations of people.
To immediately annul Imposition of big projects on people by MPs , MLAs much against the resistance of  people.
To  order  authorities to release  lawyers , journalists who are illegally detained for  legally supporting people seeking justice.
To  immediately arrest , legally prosecute Mr.Ajit Doval for showing contempt of court  , interfering , influencing the judicial process  in the name of discussion with judges. Government itself is the biggest litigant in the country.
To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.


Dated : 06th  May 2016……………………………………….. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India………………………….. …………………..PETITIONER-IN-PERSON

PIL - Atrocities against Dalits by Government of Karnataka & Others





editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Cabinet Secretary , Government of India , Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others



To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.

1. Facts of the case:
"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.

In Karnataka dalits are oppressed in various ways by the influential people ,

1. In the recruitment process at Karnataka State Open University , vice chancellor / vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .

2. In the recruitment process at Mysore University , vice chancellor / vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .

3. In the recruitment process at Hassan , Mandya , Mysore & Shimoga Medical Colleges , vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .

4. In the recruitment process of KPSC for gazetted officers , vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .

5. In Karnataka , many privately managed Industrial Training Institutes , Polytechnics have mushroomed and are getting state government grant. The managements have recruited people belonging to their own communities completely disregarding the recruitment rules of the government. Still they are enjoying government grant without any legal prosecution of those guilty.

6. The Karnataka government officials immediately evict temporary hutments built by tribals , dalits on government land and demolish those hutments. Whereas they allow huge buildings , complexes to be built on government land by influential upper caste people. The government has kept those illegal buildings intact for years , allowed the encroachers to earn lakhs of rupees and now in the process of regularizing those illegal encroachments.

The honourable governor of Karnataka , instead of taking legal action and legally prosecuting the guilty has taken side with the guilty themselves. He has approved AKRAMA SAKRAMA scheme of the government , no action was taken against vice chancellors of KSOU & Mysore University, etc. This is nothing but indirect way of atrocities against dalits , by supporting perpetrators of atrocities.

As a result , Since years unfit people are working as KAS officers , unfit people are working in KSOU , Mysore University , Unfit people are working in medical colleges of Madya / Hassan / Mysore / Shimoga and earning thousands of rupees monthly salary. Influential upper caste people are earning lakhs of rupees as rent from land encroachments and are on the verge of becoming legal owners of encroached lands.

Even in other states also Dalits are oppressed. See the recent suicide of doctoral student in University of Hyderabad , few moths back we saw dalit atrocity in IIT Chennai.

The poor dalits although talented & deserving are without seats , facilities in educational institutions , jobs , without livelihood & shelter.

2. Question(s) of Law:
Are NOT Dalits , citizens of India ? Don’t Dalit’s have constitutional rights & human rights to be treated equally ? Why not criminal prosecution of high & mighty practicing dalit atrocities ?

3. Grounds:
Requests for equitable justice , Protection of Fundamental & Human Rights of all DALITs.

4. Averment:

Corrupt people within Government of Karnataka are violating government norms during recruitment various educational institutions and while demolishing illegal structures. Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties.

In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

(i) Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties.

(ii) To criminally prosecute government of Karnataka chief secretary & governor of Karnataka , for all the above mentioned recruitment scandals , for their failure of duties.

(iii) To immediately evict land encroachers & prosecute them irrespective of the caste they belong to. Only eviction of dalits , tribals , downtrodden people & demolition of hutments belonging to them while sparing big buildings belonging to rich , influential forward caste people should not be done.

(iv) To annul the moves by Government of Karnataka to regularize big illegal structures built by rich , influential forward caste people without rehabilitating the evicted dalits , tribals , downtrodden. To declare it as illegal.

(v) To recover monetary gains made by the encroachers.

(vi) To terminate the services of unfit candidates selected in the above mentioned recruitment processes.

(vii) To legally prosecute the recruiting authority officials in all the above recruitments.

(viii) To make proper appointments with due consideration to dalits , backward class people in all the above institutions , as per law.

(ix) To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.

(x) To take action against those responsible for atrocities against Dalits in University of Hyderabad & IIT Chennai.


Kindly read full details at following web page :

Dated : 19TH January 2015……………………………………….. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India………………………….. …………………..PETITIONER-IN-PERSON

Allegations of dalit atrocities and nepotism against CV Nagarjuna Reddy J. of Andhra Pradesh

The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms (CJAR) has written to Chief Justice of India TS Thakur seeking initiation of in-house proceedings against Justice CV Nagarjuna Reddy for alleged atrocities against members of Dalit community.
In a 9-page letter written on August 30 this year, the CJAR has detailed various allegations against the sitting judge including a detailed account of “criminal misconduct” against a dalit magistrate.
According to the letter, one Rama Krishna, a Principal Junior Civil judge in Kadappa District, was forced by Justice Nagarjuna Reddy to remove the name of Pavan Kumar Reddy from a dying declaration recorded by Rama Krishna when he was posted as a magistrate. Pavan Reddy  happens to be the brother of Justice Reddy.
As per the dying declaration given by the victim, Pavan Reddy had doused the victim with petrol and set him of fire when he refused to sign on a blank paper.
“Soon thereafter, on 30.11.2012, it is alleged by Mr. Rama Krishna that Justice Nagarjuna Reddy rang him up, and directed him to remove his brother’s name from the dying declaration. Mr. Rama Krishna also alleges that he was threatened and abused by the said judge when he refused to accede to his request.”
It has also been alleged that the Magistrate was later summoned to Justice Nagarjuna Reddy’s house where,
“….Pavan Reddy and Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy abused him and beat him up. He further alleges that Justice C. V. Nagarjuna Reddy kicked him with his shoes and abused his caste”.
It is Rama Krishna’s allegation that he was victimised following this incident by “unexplained” transfers and suspensions.
Another allegation against the judge is the abuse of power to get that very Pavan Reddy appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor.
“Mr. Pavan Kumar Reddy was appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor in the year 2006 for a period of three years in contravention of the law that mandates seven years of continuous practice as an advocate prior to appointment as an Additional Public Prosecutor.”
Based on the above, CJAR has not only sought an in-house enquiry but has also asked for the suspension of judicial work assigned to Justice Reddy. Chief Justice Thakur has not responded to CJAR’s representation yet.
This is the second such allegation against a sitting judge of High Court of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
In 2015, an Additional District judge from Andhra Pradesh had approached the Supreme Court under Article 32 alleging caste discrimination by a sitting High Court judge, Justice M Satyanarayana Murthy.
The Supreme Court had, however, refused to admit the matter with a Bench presided by then Chief Justice Dattu likening the case to a service matter and observing that the case was a grievance of an individual and cannot be considered as a case pertaining to Fundamental rights.

Editorial :   Atrocities against Dalits by Judges
-          An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India, National Human Rights Commission & National Commission  for  Scheduled  Castes  /  Scheduled  Tribes
        The track record of apex court is not clean. There is secrecy involved in selection , promotion , transfer of judges to high court & supreme court. Supreme court judges take huge pay , perks from public exchequer ( now on the verge of getting triple fold increase in pay ) but are not accountable to public. They don’t give information to public , concerning judges and national security , public welfare.
   Consider the case of Dalit judge of sukma , chattisgarh , he was removed for being honest , for upholding law ?  Take the case of Dalit Judge Ramakrishna  of Andhra Pradesh  he was victimized  by upper caste high court  judge  Nagarjuna  for not giving favorable orders  to cover up a crime. Now, Justice Karnan a whistle blower is being victimized. Apex court is not looking seriously  at issues  raised by justice karnan but concentrating on silencing him.
  When other high ranking judges  ( having  influence  & belonging to upper castes )  were accused of more grave crimes like  involvement  in sex racket , sex crimes against women , national security crimes  , etc , they were treated with kid gloves , cases hush hushed , white washed.  Inspite of  fervent  appeals  even  apex court didn’t bother to  conduct a public , transparent enquiry. Now apex court  has  initiated  suo motto  “contempt proceedings “ against  Justice Karnan as he  is a  DALIT  , without influence of powers that be.
  When  a  poor  dalit person  or  person  belonging to  weaker section , SC / ST  builds  a temporary hutment  on government land  , officials  , police take suo motto  action , evicts that person & razes down that hutment immediately.  Where as when a rich person belonging to upper caste , having influence of powers that be   builds  huge buildings usurping government land , lake bed , etc no suo motto action by police . Officials , police don’t  take action  inspite of repeated appeals by concerned public.  The courts of justice instead of upholding public cause , gives stay orders  protecting rich land grabbers but in the same fashion  judges don’t come to the rescue of poor  dalit  hut dwellers.  Even  when  land grabbings were brought to the notice  of apex court at the very early stage  itself,  apex court  instead of preventing  the land grabbing  silently allowed  the grabbers to continue  with their land crimes.  The enactments of laws by various state governments  including   government of Karnataka  regularizing illegal land constructions  is solely to benefit  greedy , rich land grabbers belonging  to upper castes. Inspite of repeated appeals the apex court has not annulled those  illegal laws of various state governments.

Just  consider the prison population in  india ,  80% of prisoners are under trials and  majority of them are dalits, tribals  , belongs to weaker sections , SC / ST. Most of  them cann’t afford lawyers , most of them are implicated by their  upper caste masters , land lords .  Even within the prison  , their rights are not respected by authorities , are treated worse than animals.  Where as   deadly criminals   convicted of gravest crimes ( but  rich , belongs to upper castes)  enjoys many luxuries within the prison.  It proves the vulnerability of the  dalits , weakers sections in india.
  So many dalits , weaker section people   were  cheated  of  their job oppurtunities in mysuru university , KSOU , Various Government  Medical  colleges , Government aided  ITIs , Polytechnics in Karnataka state  by scheming  upper caste officials.  Inspite of repeated appeals , why apex court has not taken legal prosecution to logical end and ensured justice to  aggrieved dalits ?  What action supreme court has taken against  KPSC , VYAPAM members who denied  job oppurtunities to merited candidates , dalit & weaker section candidates ?  ? let alone take  suo motto action . No action to logical end. 

Day in day out  there are rampant atrocities against dalits , weaker sections of people  by public servants , judges are not doing their duties properly. Supreme court judges are enjoying lakhs of rupees pay , perks , 5 star bungalows  , foreign trips , weeks long summer / winter  paid  vacations  , proposed triple  fold salary hike  all at tax payer’s expense.  These judges must be first booked for “Atrocities against Dalits , Weaker sections”  under SC / ST Atrocities Prevention Act.
   If at all , Supreme Court of India is impartial , without bias , let it come out clean :
1.                   To immediately  stay contempt proceedings against Justice Karnan and Order impartial enquiry against  judges accused of corruption , impropriety by Justice Karnan and all other issues raised by him. Take the help of Justice Karnan in collecting evidences.
2.                   Order impartial enquiry against almost half of former chief justices of india accused of corruption by NGOs.
3.                   Immediately give justice to past Sukma Dalit Judge who was unjustly removed.
4.                   Immediately  give truthful , full  information , answers  to RTI questions sent to Supreme Court of India by our publication years ago. Inspite of several appeals , majority of questions are unanswered & for few questions got ambiguous answers.
5.                   Immediately take action  to protect fundamental rights , human rights of whistle blowers , RTI Activists & Human Rights Activists.
6. Immediately  take action against  KPSC , VYAPAM   members responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.
7.  Immediately  take action against  KSOU , Mysuru University , Government Medical Colleges , Government Aided Polytechnics , ITI officials  responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.
8. Immediately  annul laws  enacted  by various state governments in  india  regularizing illegal constructions by  land grabbers .
9. Make public the  names  of  all land grabbers , majority of them belongs to upper castes and  are rich , greedy.
10.  Protect  the rights of prisoners in india  irrespective of their caste affiliations.
11. Ensure speedy justice ,  legal aid  to  under trials  belonging to weaker sections , SC & ST.
12.  Fix lower amount  for bail surety or create a corpus to  give bail  amount  to under trials belonging to SC , ST , Weaker sections , Dalits.  Many  dalits who are poor  are unable to pay bail amount  and suffer in jail for years much more than  the legally stipulated punishment even if convicted.
13. Enforce uniform rules , uniform food , uniform health care , uniform   prison cell  to all prisoners  irrespective of  their caste , whether he is  an ex chief minister ,  ex managing director of a big company , ex religious guru or  an ordinary person , a dalit , a tribal.  Ensure equality  , equal treatment in prisons , jails.
14.    Immediately admit PILs  presented before supreme court of india by our publication . Read full details at following web pages ;
Traitors  in  Judiciary &  Police  ,

Crimes  by  Khaki

FIRST  Answer  Judges  Police

“There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the court of conscience It supercedes all other courts. ”
- Mahatma Gandhi

“Contempt  Proceedings”  should not be used as a weapon to silence voices seeking  justice , accountability of judiciary. Respect of judiciary doesn’t come out of fear rather spontaneously it comes out of a person’s heart  when  he sees a honest judge doing his duties honestly.

Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.

Your’s ,
Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi

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