Thursday, March 1, 2018

Jail Chief Justice

DALIT   ONLINE   –  e  News  Weekly
Spreading the light of humanity freedom
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.14..Issue.09........04  / 03 / 2018
PIL –   Prosecute  Chief  Justice  of  India 
An Appeal to  all Honourable  Judges  of  Supreme Court of India



editor   , DALIT  ONLINE ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysuru – 570017 , Karnataka State


Justice Dipak Mishra
Honourable  Chief   Justice  of  India   &  Others


To ,
All Honourable Judges of Supreme Court of India.

 The Humble petition of the  Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.
In his death  note  Former Arunachal Pradesh  Chief Minister Mr.Kalikho  Pul  has clearly  alleged involvement of CJI Khehar , President Mukherjee & others in the crime. 

Justice  Karnan was silenced for  asking for investigations into corruption  by higher judges. Judge Prabhakar Gwal dismissed from post  for initiating legal prosecution of powers that be , higher judges. Judge  Loya MURDERED (?)  for not toeing the line , favorable judgement for powers that be , higher judges.

Advocates who raise their voice seeking truth  face tormented in many ways. Certain advocates great intellectuals (?)  take the side of  powers that be , guilty judges and  pass  unfounded  comments  , rhetoric against the truth seekers. These type of advocates question the locus standi of  petitioners. First of all  what locus standi these advocates have  to  silence the voices seeking truth ?  Are these advocates giving  Service Invoices to their customers / clients for the fees paid / Are they paying tax properly ?  Mr.Ram Jethmalani when he himself has failed  in his own domain  made irresponsible comment taht Justice Karnan is of unsound mind.  Is Mr.Ram Jethmalani a qualified doctor ?  One High Court Advocate Mr.Mishra  threatened  this petitioner  for  seeking prosecution of Dipak Mishra.

These  type of few  advocates , intellectuals are parasites who thrive on our corrupt legal system. They don’t want  transparency , as  it will  stop their  illegal income / favors .  These type of advocates , judges are bringing disrepute  to honest advocates , honest judges and to the bar & the bench.

2. Question(s) of Law:
 As per constitution of India , are not all citizens of india equal before  law ? 

3. Grounds:
Requests for equitable justice. Prosecution of  corrupt  Judges , CJI  Dipak Mishra , Former President  Mukherjee    &  Corrupt  Public  Servants.

4. Averment:
Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the  cases to perform their duties.

In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:
 a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants , in the case to perform their duties.
b. To register FIR  against Chief Justice of India  Dipak Mishra , Former President of India Mukherjee & others and arrest them for legal prosecution.
c. To constitute an impartial  investigation team to investigate the crimes – Judge Loya Murder , Sohrabuddin fake encounter case , Chief Minister Kalikho Pul Suicide ,  Land scam of CJI Mishra , Birla Sahara diary , Medical college scam  and  the  crime  cover ups  by  high ranking  judges , powers that be . The team must be accountable to the public.
d. to protect the  human rights , constitutional rights of advocates , petitioners who are seeking truth in the above cases.
e. to initiate criminal legal prosecution  against great (?) advocates , intellectuals (?)  who irresponsibly comment against  truth seekers , who try to  bar truth  seeking  advocates from practicing , from filing PILs in courts.
d . to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.


Dated : 02nd March 2018 …………………. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….      PETITIONER-IN-PERSON

PIL –   JAIL  Dipak Mishra Unfit Judge & Others
An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India  &  H.E. Honourable President  of India



editor   , Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s  Diary ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Honourable  Chief   Justice  of  India   &  Others


To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.
In his death  note  Former Arunachal Pradesh  Chief Minister Mr.Kalikho  Pul  has clearly  alleged involvement of CJI Khehar , Dipak Mishra , President Mukherjee & others in the crime. 
Justice  Dipak  Mishra  has a criminal past of fraud ,  cheating the authorities   to get land allotment. . He is unfit even to be a munsiff judge let alone CJI. He has managed the crime cover up well.
 He and present CJI Khehar have helped the union government   in their  unjust  illegal  actions like  unjust  imposition of president  rule and change of chief miniser   in few states,  cover up of Corporate scams like  Birla - Sahara ,  lake , forest , rvenue land encroachments by  powerful ,  etc. In turn  as a payout  Union government has made them Chief Justice of India and  helped  the judges in cover up of their own crimes. Quid Pro Quo.
  CJI Khehar & Dipak Mishra have  effectively stalled proper investigations  into crimes committed by them. They have even stalled the legal prosecution. Althrough Union Governmant and respective state governments have helped them inspite of clinching evidences  against two  judges.
  Nowadays   judges  who don't  dance to the  tune of corrupt  higher judges , corrupt ministers  , don't get promotions. Even may  loose their jobs  or land up  in jail for upholding justice.
  If  Dipak Mishra  is made CJI , it  will be  roaring business for corrupt mafia. Innocents , commoners will be sent  to jail , may even be hanged while the rich criminals roams free.
    Since 20 years  we are appealing  to Chief Justice of India   concerning public issues  , seeking justice from him. Till date  no action instead more injustices meted out  to silence me after appealing to supreme court and authorities. This  itself proves the criminal nexus of judges , police and public sevants.
   Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?
Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?

2. Question(s) of Law:
 As per constitution of India , are not all citizens of india equal before  law ?  Why no action against JS Khehar , Dipak Mishra & Pranab Mukherjee ? Are they special ? WHERE IS THE BRAVERY , COURAGE OF POLICE ? Before  big crooks CBI , Police are zeroes.

3. Grounds:
Requests for equitable justice. Prosecution of  corrupt  Judges , CJI  J S Khehar ,  Supreme Court Judge Dipak Mishra , Former President  Mukherjee    &  Corrupt  Public  Servants.

4. Averment:
Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the  cases to perform their duties.

In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:
 a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants , in the case to perform their duties.
b. To register FIR  against Chief Justice of India JS Khehar, Supreme Court Judge Dipak Mishra , Former President of India Mukherjee & others and arrest them for legal prosecution with respect to Orissa Land allotment scam , Arunachal Pradesh Chief minister change over , death of CM Kalikho Pul, Cover up of  Birla Sahara Scam ,  Reliance Oil Basin Scam , Lake & Land Encroachments in bangalore , Karnataka., etc.
c. To constitute an impartial  investigation team to investigate the crimes. The team must be accountable to the public.
d. Till investigation is over , hold the promotion of Dipak Mishra  to the post of Chief Justice of India.
e . to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.


Dated 12th    August  2017 …………………. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….      PETITIONER-IN-PERSON

CJAR Press Release on the complaint against CJI under in-house procedure, 16th January 2018, Press Club

The Campaign for Judicial Accountability & Reforms (CJAR) held a press conference to share the complaint it has filed against the Chief Justice of India (CJI) to the 5 senior most judges after the CJI, under the in-house procedureIn response to demands from many journalists and in the interest of transparency, CJAR has put the complaint in the public domain ( and held the Press Conference at the Press Club today.
The press conference was addressed by Prashant Bhushan and Anjali Bhardwaj (members of the CJAR Executive Committee).
The complaint highlights instances of apparent misconduct by the Chief Justice of India. The key charges contained in the complaint against the CJI are-
  1. The manner in which the case of the Prasad Education Trust was dealt with by Chief Justice Dipak Misra, in which case the CBI has registered an FIR regarding an alleged conspiracy to bribe judges of the Supreme Court to secure favourable judgments. Phone transcripts available with the CBI of conversations between a retired judge, middlemen and representatives of the medical college show discussion about amount of bribe, dates and progress of the case being discussed. The discussions on the tapped transcripts line up with the progress of the case. The case was dealt with on all dates by a bench headed by the Chief Justice of India.
  2. CJI dealt with the petitions demanding court monitored probe into this conspiracy, both on the administrative and judicial side, violating the fundamental principle of jurisprudence that no person shall be a Judge in his own cause.
  3. Denial of permission to the CBI to register an FIR against Justice Narayan Shukla of the Allahabad High Court and attempting to stall all further investigation in this matter by the CBI.
  4. That the Chief Justice of India appears to have antedated an administrative order dated 6th November 2017 which amounts to a serious act of forgery/fabrication
  5. That Chief Justice Dipak Misra acquired land while he was an advocate, by giving an affidavit that was found to be false and despite the orders of the ADM cancelling the allotment in 1985, surrendered the said land only in 2012 after he was elevated to the Supreme Court
In addition, the campaign put forth the following issues-
  1. The in-house complaint mechanism is silent on the procedure for complaints against the CJI. Senior judges of the SC must evolve a mechanism for complaints against the CJI
  2. To prevent matters being selectively sent to particular hand picked benches, there is an urgent need for norms and rules which lay down clear guidelines for allocation of benches, which are fair, rational and transparent.
  3. The campaign is concerned about transparency in functioning of the Supreme Court – The Memorandum of Procedure for Appointment of Judges needs to be put in the public domain.
  4. The RTI Act must apply in letter and spirit to the Supreme Court which has been resisting transparency under the RTI Act. CJAR believes that transparency is key for public’s trust and faith in judiciary.

Legal  Notice  to  Honourable Chief Justice of India

Honourable Chief Justice of India,
New Delhi.

Honourable Sir ,
Subject : Legal Notice to Chief Justice of India
Are  Judges , Police  PERFECT ? Satya Harishchandra ?
Hereby , I challenge Chief Justice of India  in the exercise of my FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES  as a citizen of india , that subject to conditions  I will  legally prove the crimes of  few  judges , police , public servants within  the government service and other  criminals.  Is the CJI ready  to book those criminals , traitors , anti nationals ?
Since 25 years I am appealing to apex court for justice concerning various public issues , no justice in sight but injustices meted out  one after another. But the same  judges are  SHAMELESSLY  taking huge pay perks for years  now are also  poised to  get  almost  triple fold  salary increase.  Parasites  feeding  on  Indian  Public. Whenever questions of accountability are asked  judges level contempt charges  against  the  questioner  or police  fix  him in  fake cases or he is silenced by threats , murders , denial of jobs , etc.  Since 25 years  in many  ways they  are trying to silence me. Just take the recent example of Justice Karnan  who leveled corruption  charges  against specific judges  with CJI. Instead of  conducting a fair investigation into the matter , CJI  tried to silence him by  serving  him contempt notice.
Our Judges , Police are  NOT  Perfect  Not Satya Harischandras . There are  criminals  as well as honest people  side by side  in  judiciary & police.  We  whole heartedly respect honest few in judiciary , police & public service. But  we  detest  corrupt  judges , corrupt police. Honest  Judges & Police are not coming into open to  prosecute their corrupt colleagues,  why ? silenced ?
Criminalization of  all wings of government has taken place , unfit people  are in the positions of power. Corruption in judiciary , police , CBI , CVC , Public service is rampant. Now MAFIA is at work.  Only few scandals , scams become public , many  are buried. If one criminal public servant is caught  other public servant who is also a criminal conducts name sake investigation , gives  report , clean chit. Law courts rely on the government reports as evidences , courts are not bothered about credibility of reports or investigations. It is quid pro quo. Therefore technically criminal public servants are never proved for their crimes & convicted , as investigation itself is not fair.
A Crime may happen without the knowledge of police  but  cann’t  continue for years without the connivance of police.  A  Crime reported to court  cann’t  continue  for years without  connivance of judges.
At the bottom  of  the paper , I have given web sites about  few  ACB raids on government officials  and unearthing of crores worth property.  How they have earned it , by misusing their official positions. Therefore  government reports , records  prepared by these officials , investigations conducted by  corrupt police  are suspect.  But  Law courts in various cases , considers government reports , records  , statements of government officials as sacrosanct . Therefore  in many cases  injustice is meted out by court  , as they depend on  reports of corrupt government officials , corrupt police.
The public servants & the government must be role models in law abiding acts , for others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be corrected by the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake , all  his students will do the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught  , legally punished & reformed . if a police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot-free under his patronage.  even if a police , public servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be sought by the aggrieved.  just think , if a judge himself that too  of apex court of the land  himself  commits crime - violations of RTI Act , constitutional rights & human rights of public  and obstructs the public from performing their constitutional fundamental duties , what happens ?       
"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts.  They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the  forewarning of  Late Winston Churchill  has been proved right by  some of our  criminal , corrupt people’s representatives , police , public servants &  Judges. 
I don’t know whether secretariat staff of CJI office & DARPG / DPG officials are forwarding my appeals for justice , e-mails to you or not. They will be held accountable for their lapses if any. This notice is against the repeated failure of constitutional duties & indirect collusion with criminals by previous CHIEF JUSTICEs OF INDIA. Notice is served against them , to the office of CJI , NOT personally against you.
Please refer my appeal for justice through DARPG ;



In india democracy is a farce , freedom a mirage. the most basic freedom RIGHT TO INFORMATION & EXPRESSION , is not honoured by the government,as the information opens up the crimes of 
V.V.I.Ps & leads to their ill-gotten wealth. The public servants are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them. these type of fat cats , parasites are a drain on the public exchequer . these people want ,wish me to see dead , wish to see HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH closed . so that, a voice against injustices is silenced forever , the crimes of V.V.I.Ps closed , buried forever.

To my numerous appeals , HRW’s appeals to you ,you have not yet replied. It clearly shows that you are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them .it proves that you are hell bent to protect the criminals at any cost. you are just pressurising the police to enquire me ,to take my statement, to repeatedly call me to police station all with a view to silence me.all of you enjoy “legal immunity privileges” ,why don’t you have given powers to the police / investigating officer to summon all of you for enquiry ?or else why don’t all of you are not appearing before the police voluntarily for enquiry ?at the least why don’t all of you are not sending your statement about the case to the police either through legal counsel or through post? you are aiding criminals ,by denying me job oppurtunities in R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS mysore , city civil court ,bangalore , distict court , mysore ,etc & by illegally closing my newspaper. Even  Press  accreditation  to me as a web journalist is denied till date.  there is a gross, total mismatch between your actions and your oath of office. this amounts to public cheating & moral turpitude on your part. are making contempt of the very august office you hold. are making contempt of the constitution of india. are making contempt of citizens of india. are sponsoring & aiding terorrism & organized crime. are violating the fundamental & human rights of the citizens of india and of neighbouring countries. are violating & making contempt of the U.N HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER to which india is a signatory. are obstructing me from performing my fundamental duties as a citizen of india.
8. As a result of your gross negligence of constitutional duties you have caused me damages / losses to the tune of RUPEES TWO CRORE ONLY.
9. You are responsible for  crime cover ups mentioned in my RTI Appeals , PILs and continuation of those crimes unabated.
10. You are  responsible  for denial of information,  which  vindicates the crimes of powers that be.
11. You are responsible for physical assaults , murder attempts on me.
12. You are responsible for  job denials to me at NIE , PES Engineering college , RBI Press , Mysore , Bangalore Courts.
13. You are responsible for my  illegal retrenchment from RPG Cables ,  denial of  medical care to  me towards occupational  health  problems.
14. You are responsible for denying me legal aid.
15. You are responsible for illegal closure of my news paper.
16. You are responsible for  denial of press accreditation  to me as a web journalist till date.
17. You are responsible for repeatedly  passing on my appeals to police. So that  they can  take  statements , close the file under the threat of police power.
18. You  have violated my Human Rights & Fundamental Rights.
19. In terms  of  Integrity , Honesty  You & other public servants are  nowhere near  Baba Saheb B R Ambedkar , Mahatma Gandhi  &  Satya Harishchandra . Many Public servants are  UNFIT to be in their posts.

You are hereby called upon to Pay damages to me and SHOW-CAUSE within 30 days , why you cann’t be legally prosecuted for the above mentioned crimes . If you don’t answer  it  will be admission of the  charges  by you.   It will amount to confession of crimes on your own.

If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants , Chief Justice of India & Jurisdictional District Magistrate will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.

if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty judges , police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries.
Thanking you. Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.

Send  reply to :
Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi
Editor , SOS e Voice for Justice & SOS e Clarion of Dalit,
LIG 2 , NO 761 , HUDCO First Stage,
Laxmikantanagar , Hebbal ,
Mysuru – 570017.

Date : 07.09.2017……………..your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore , India   ……….Nagaraja  Mysuru Raghupathi

Notice  to Chief Justice of India

Crimes  by  Khaki

FIRST  Answer  Judges  Police

Editorial :  Cross  Examination of Judges & Police
Honourable CJI , Union Home Secretary ,  Chief Justices , DG & IG  of Police of all States , UTs  FIRST   Answer   Questions
 Our  whole hearted respects  to  honest  few  working  in  judiciary , police & public service. Our  comments  are  only directed  towards  corrupt  judges  , corrupt police , corrupt  public servants and the term “JUDGE” includes all public officials performing judicial , quasi judicial functions.  
Judges , Police are  NOT answering our  following RTI Questions NOR admitting our PILs since years. Both  of  them  are  denying  information   leading  to  crimes , covering up crimes.  Thereby , both of them  are aiding anti nationals , criminals.  Who will prosecute these guilty judges & police ?
 Powers that be , cabinet ministers , judges are simply  sending my petitions  to  police , to ensure closure of  files. In most of the cases police does not have the  power  nor  jurisdiction  and in the remaining cases   they need  written legal sanction from  president of india  or  governor or  from their  ministry  head   to  legally  prosecute  high  &  mighty  but  legal  sanctions are not given.  Ultimate  aim of  the  judges , ministers , police  is  to  close  the  file  , to bury  the  TRUTH.  They  transfer the case to  police ,  so  that  under the threat of  khaki power   complainant  becomes  silent.
I have  been summoned  to  police  station  tens  of  times  without   legal  summons  to  give  statements , by  the way  I have  lost  money , daily wages , transportation cost. No compensation for that  were paid to me. Rich , mighty  criminals were not even summoned once why ?   Police  question  commoners   for  hours  in some  cases  even  apply  3rd  degree   TORTURE  on common  people   to get  answers. Why  police  are   NOT  questioning   rich  , mighty  criminals ,  criminals  within the police force & judiciary , why  NOT  police  are  applying  3rd  degree TORTURE  on  those  CRIMINAL  POLICE  , JUDGEs  to elicit  truth  in national interest.
In  courts of  justice  , common people  are  subjected  to  rigorous  questioning  by  prosecution , defense lawyers and  judges. In  the  same  way  when  you  judges &  police themselves  are in the dock , why  can not  you be questioned  to elicit truth in national interest. Are  YOU  Judges &  Police  special , exceptions , above  LAW ?
  My  petitions  have  been transferred  tens  of times  to police  whether  they have  jurisdiction over it , whether they have legal  sanction  to enquire it or  NOT. All the files  were closed  by  recording  my statement  without  any  enquiry  of  high , mighty criminals.  We  need  JUSTICE  in  all  the  cases , before  summoning me to police  station  summon  high , mighty  criminals  to  police  station  FIRST , before  questioning  me  YOU  Judges  and  Police  ANSWER  our  questions   FIRST ,  act  on  our  PILs  FIRST.  We  the public  want to know  under  who’s  behest  you  JUDGEs , POLICE  are  burying  the  truth , cases , files ,  our   appeals.
  Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.

Your’s ,
Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi.

Traitors  in  Judiciary &  Police

Crimes  by  Khaki

FIRST  Answer  Judges  Police

“There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the court of conscience It supercedes all other courts. ”
- Mahatma Gandhi

RTI   Appeals  Not  Answered   by  SUPREME  COURT  OF  INDIA  - Crimes  Cover-up

To ,
RTI  Appellate  Authority ,
O/O Chief Justice of  India ,
Supreme Court of India ,
New Delhi.


 "Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts.  They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the  forewarning of  Late Winston Churchill  has been proved right by  some of our  criminal , corrupt people’s representatives , police , public servants &  Judges.  Some of the below  mentioned  judges  fall among the category of churchill’s men –  Rogues  , Rascals & Freebooters.
 Eventhough  the information is readily available with SCI , information was denied citing unavailability.  If at all information is not truly available , why didn’t the   CPIO  TRANSFER rti  application to concerned departments of SCI  , Ministry of Law , Justice , Respective High Courts , etc.
Does not court administarative officer  posess  SERVICE REECORDS of each employee including judges. If not on what basis they give promotions , transfers , salary , etc to judges ? The person  who posess SR  can give infor mation about guilty judges. Why CPIO not asking that person to share infor mation ?
If a commonman is alleged of a petty crime he is immediately arrested , put behind bars. Police spend thousands of rupees for investigation to  prosecute  that petty criminal. Judges spend hours to hear that case & prepare judgements running into tens of pages sometimes even over & above thousand pages. Fine . When the very same police & judge themselves committ grave crimes detrimental to national security , integrity , etc , no arrests , no prosecution only cover-up , WHY ? Are Judges & Police above Law ? Is  Judge’s  MAFIA  at play ?
The  action  of  CPIO  SCI  amounts  to cover up  of judges & their crimes. Thereby  , CPIO  is also committing  a crime. With respect  to previous RTI Appeals  also  CPIO & RTI  First Appellate Authority  SCI  have repeatedly  committed  crimes  by  covering up  judges & their crimes.  Billions of indians  are barely sustaining on a single piece meal a day , we lower middle class people toiling hard to earn a few hundreds of rupees but still paying tax. Is it not shame to them  / shame to JUDGEs that they  draw  pay  &  perks  amounting to lakhs of rupees from our money , from taxes paid by us still not do their  constitutional duties properly.
 Atrocities on  Women  by  JUDGES
   A – Z   of   Manipulation  of  Indian  Legal  System
 Justice  Sathasivam -  Are  you  DEAF  DUMB  &  BLIND
Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Cover-up
JUDGEs  or  Brokers  of  Justice
 RTI  &  Land  Golmaal
 Hereby ,  we  do request  CPIO  O/O  Honourable Chief Justice of India  , Supreme Court  of India , New Delhi  to answer the following questions in public interest , for safeguarding national security ,  National unity & integrity & to legally apprehend anti-nationals , criminals within the judiciary & police. Judges are not superior human beings , some of them have even became judges through devious means other than merit , integrity. Judges  are public servants drawing salary & perks from public exchequer  and accountable to public as any other  common man  is.
Please give following  information  :
Main  A :
1.    Please give me The address  of salary disbursing officer in supreme court of india. Salary disbursing officer will be maintaining service records  of all employees of supreme court of india including judges. These records are used for disciplinary action , promotion , transfer of judges. If not within SCI , please give the address of the  outside public  official who maintains  service records of supreme court  judges and kindly compile  information from him and give it to me  orelse  transfer my RTI application to him.
2.    Please give me the list of serving as well as retired supreme court judges with allegations against them and the action taken thereof. Reasons for taking action / criminal prosecution  or not taking action.
3.    Please give me the list of serving as well as retired  high  court judges with allegations against them and the action taken thereof. Reasons for taking action / criminal prosecution  or not taking action.
4.    Please give me the list of serving as well as retired  district & taluk  court judges with allegations against them and the action taken thereof. Reasons for taking action / criminal prosecution  or not taking action.
5.    Some of the high courts are demanding higher RTI application fees  than stipulated by law. Eventhough  requisite fees  has been paid  before transfer of RTI application to high courts. Please give me the details of action taken by supreme court of india  against erring high courts.
6.    Give me the List of petitions  with date  made by Shri . Nagaraja Mysore Raghupathi alias Nagaraja M R  TO SUPREME COURT OF INDIA THROUGH POST , THROUGH E-MAIL & THROUGH   website  of  DPG / DARPG.  Action taken or not taken with reasons thereof with respect to each petition.
7.    Please give me list of actions , follow up actions taken by supreme  court of india , to safe guard the  HUMAN RIGHTS & FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS of  Nagaraja M R editor of SOS e Clarion of Dalit  & SOS e Voice for justice. He repeatedly  appealed to SCI  highlighting  violations of his human rights & fundamental rights. After appealing to SCI only  editor Nagaraja M R suffered more injustices , attempts on his life , etc  , may  be JUDGE’s MAFIA  is in deal with outside MAFIA. Police are helpless & practically don’t have  power to question supreme court judges & other VVIPs. Did SCI constitute SCI monitored enquiry committee  with full legal authority to look into the issue.  
8.    Judges preach too much & practice less. They give  lectures , judgements   running into hundreds  of pages  eliciting legality, moral virtues , humanity , etc.  But cover up information leading to crimes / accountability of judges.  The judges  committee  like a mafia deals it within  without subjecting the accussed judge to public scrutiny & public trial. It is almost similar to a  whore / bitch  giving a lecture on virginity  to women.  To refresh your memory  , Please  go through following websites  to  know about facts , actual cases of  crimes by judges. Please give us information  regarding action taken or not taken with reasons there of  with respect to each case mentioned in the  following websites:

9.    Please give me the list of actions , follow up actions taken by supreme court of india to safeguard the human rights of prisoners  , witnesses & evidences .
10.  Please give me the list of actions , follow up actions taken by  high courts  of  india  to safeguard the human rights of prisoners  , witnesses & evidences .
11.  Please give me the list of supreme court judges , high court judges & district / taluk judges  (both serving & retired) who received favourable allotment of sites , etc  which is nothing but a form of kick back  for favours  shown by judge. Please give me the list of action taken or not taken  by supreme court of india  with reasons  thereof  in each case.
12.  Please give me the list of action taken against  by supreme court of india  against  CPIO &  PIO  of supreme court of india  , who repeatedly failed to give  me information . thereby , CPIO & PIO are covering up crimes of guilty judges , violating RTI Act & violating human rights / fundamental rights of editor Nagaraja M R together with public.

Main  B :
 1 . How many judges are booked for graft , sexual crimes , crimes against women , irregularities , amassing disproportionate wealth , failure of duty , getting illegal allotment of sites & other crimes since independence till date , yearwise ?
2. what action taken casewise ?
3. are the action taken similar to commoners , common people committing same type of crimes ?
4. did all the cases handled by tainted judges subjected to review , retrial by other honest judges ?
5. how many advocates were prosecuted by court for influencing witnesses / evidences , for tutored / concocted evidences , etc since independence till date , yearwise ? what action ?  if not why ?
6. how many police officials / law enforcing officials were prosecuted by court for influencing , intimidating witnesses through threats , 3rddegree torture , for concocted evidences , etc since independence till date , yearwise ? what action ? if not why ?
7. how many police / law enforcement officials  were prosecuted for lock-up deaths , fake encounters , illegal detention , 3rd degree torture , etc since independence till date , yearwise ? what  action ? if not why ?
8. in how many cases police / law enforcement officials were made to pay compensation to innocent victims who were wrongly charged , detained & tortured , murdered by police , since independence till date , yearwise ? what action ? if not why ?
9. in some cases , on appeal judgements of higher court  turns down the judgement of lower court. In how many such cases , lower court judge is made to pay compensation  to victims of their wrong judgement , since independence till date  yearwise ? what action ? if not why ?
10. how many judges have defaulted in filing their annual  financial returns giving out their wealth , income details , yearwise since  independence till date ? what action ? if not why ?
11. how you are verifying the annual financial returns of judges ?
12. since independence , how many convicts have been sentenced to “death by hanging” , yearwise ?
13. how many death sentances were carried out & how many are pending ?
14. how many police officials were made to pay compensation  & prosecuted for defamation , when innocents falsely charged by police were acquitted , dropped from charges by courts ? if not why ?
15. how many lower court judges were made to pay compensation & prosecuted for defamation , when innocents  wrongly convicted by lower court , but on appeal higher courts acquitting , dropping them of charges ? if not why ?
16. are judges getting paid from public exchequer , for their expenses on liquor / alcohol , body massages , etc in their  TA  DA  bill  while on  tour , official visits , official parties hosted by judges ?
17. how many appeals for justice concerning public welfare , violation of human & fundamental rights , threat to lives / livelihood , etc  were made to supreme court of india , by nagaraja mysore raghupathi alias nagaraja M R alias myself since 1990 till date ? appeals were made through ordinary post , registered post , e-mail & by web through DARPG , DPG. What  ACTION taken by supreme court of india with  respect to each appeal ?
18.  due to negligence / connivance of supreme court judges injustices were meted out to  public & public are still suffering injustices. Crimes which could have been prevented by SC happened eventhough brought to early notice of supreme court. What action against erring SC Judges ? if not why ?
19. I have repeatedly offered my services to supreme court of india , to apprehend criminals  within  judiciary , police & public service. What action taken by supreme court of india ? if not why ?
20. in my legal struggle for justice , due to negligence / connivance of SCI  judges  I have suffered murder attempts on my life , job losses , my newspaper closed , not getting press accreditation to my web news papers , threats by rowdies , police , etc. what action against erring chief justice of india ? if not why ?
21. I repeatedly appealed to supreme court of india to permit me to appear as amicus curie before supreme court of india   & jain commission of enquiry  regarding late PM Rajiv Gandhi assassination case. I was not permitted why ?
22. who are the judges covering-up Rajiv Gandhi assassination case ? what action taken ? if not why ?
23. Law is one & same for all , but law enforcement  & law interpretation  is not same  for common people , Judges  & Police ? why ?

I ,NAGARAJA.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police , revenue officials , District Magistrate  & Chief Justice of India together with above mentioned accused public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges ,  police file fake cases against me or my dependents  to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward like hit & run cases , murder attempts , unnatural deaths , etc  happens to me or to my dependents   or to my family members    - In such case Chief Justice of  India together with the jurisdictional  revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india  is liable to pay Rs. TWO  crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , guilty Judges , guilty public servants &  guilty Constitutional functionaries.  


CPIO ,  o/o  Chief Justice of India , SUPREME  COURT OF INDIA , NEW DELHI.

FEES PAID : IPO  16G  733465  for rupees TWENTY only

DATE :  28.03.2015 ……………..………………………NAGARAJA.M.R.


RTI   Appeals  Not  Answered   by  SUPREME  COURT  OF  INDIA  - Crimes  Cover-up

To ,
RTI  Appellate  Authority ,
O/O Chief Justice of  India ,
Supreme Court of India ,
New Delhi.



"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts.  They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the  forewarning of  Late Winston Churchill  has been proved right by  some of our  criminal , corrupt people’s representatives , police , public servants &  Judges.  Some of the below  mentioned  judges  fall among the category of churchill’s men –  Rogues  , Rascals & Freebooters.
 Eventhough  the information is readily available with SCI , information was denied citing unavailability.  If at all information is not truly available , why didn’t the   CPIO  TRANSFER rti  application to concerned departments of SCI  , Ministry of Law , Justice , Respective High Courts , etc.
Does not court administarative officer  posess  SERVICE REECORDS of each employee including judges. If not on what basis they give promotions , transfers , salary , etc to judges ? The person  who posess SR  can give infor mation about guilty judges. Why CPIO not asking that person to share infor mation ?
If a commonman is alleged of a petty crime he is immediately arrested , put behind bars. Police spend thousands of rupees for investigation to  prosecute  that petty criminal. Judges spend hours to hear that case & prepare judgements running into tens of pages sometimes even over & above thousand pages. Fine . When the very same police & judge themselves committ grave crimes detrimental to national security , integrity , etc , no arrests , no prosecution only cover-up , WHY ? Are Judges & Police above Law ?
The  action  of  CPIO  SCI  amounts  to cover up  of judges & their crimes. Thereby  , CPIO  is also committing  a crime. With respect  to previous RTI Appeals  also  CPIO & RTI  First Appellate Authority  SCI  have repeatedly  committed  crimes  by  covering up  judges & their crimes.  Billions of indians  are barely sustaining on a single piece meal a day , we lower middle class people toiling hard to earn a few hundreds of rupees but still paying tax. Is it not shame to them  / shame to JUDGEs that they  draw  pay  &  perks  amounting to lakhs of rupees from our money , from taxes paid by us still not do their  constitutional duties properly.
 At the outset , we express  our whole hearted respects to the honest few  public servants in public service including judiciary. However, the corrupt in public service don’t deserve  respect as individuals – as they are  parasites in our legal system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy but not the corrupt individuals.
 All the following articles / issues , whole articles published in the weblinks mentioned below forms part of this appeal. The term “JUDGE”mentioned throught includes all public servants  discharging  judicial functions right from taluk magistrates , quasi-judicial officers to Chief Justice of India.
 Indian Legal / Judicial System is manipulated at various stages & is for sale. It is a SHAME. The persons who raise  their voice seeking justice  are silenced in many ways. The criminal nexus has already attempted to silence me in many ways . If anything untoward happens to me or to my family members , my dependents , Honourable Chief Justice of India together with jurisdictional police officer will be responsible  for it.
 Hereby, we do once again offer our conditional services to the honourable supreme court of India & other government authorities, in apprehending criminals including corrupt judges & police. Herewith  , we once  again  appeal to the honourable supreme court of India , to consider this as a PIL Appeal in public interest.
 The public servants & the government must be role models in law  abiding acts , for others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be corrected by the teacherif the  teacher himself makes a mistake , all  his students will do the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught  , legally punished & reformed . if a police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot- free under his patronage.  even if a police , public  servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be sought by the  aggrieved. just think , if a judge himself that too of apex court of the land itself commits crime - violations of RTI Act , constitutional  rights & human rights of public  and obstructs the public from  performing their constitutional fundamental duties , what happens ? it  gives a booster dose to the rich & mighty , those in power , criminals  in public service to committ more crimes. that is exactly what is  happenning in india. the educated public must raise to the occassion &  peacefully , democratically  must oppose this criminalisation of judiciary , public service. then alone , we can build a RAM RAJYA OF  MAHATMA GANDHI'S DREAM.

Kindly go through the following articles & provide justice by giving complete truthful information to us , by publicly answering the following questionnaire in an unambiguous  manner.
 The constitution of India has prescribed certain FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES to each citizens of India. It is the duty of every citizen to protect & uphold the dignity , honour of our democratic institutions , to
protect our national integrity , to respect & protect the rights of our fellow citizens. No constitutional authority has  the right to obstruct the discharge of these duties by citizens of India. No legal  privileges of constitutional functionaries is superior over the  FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES OF CITIZEN'S OF INDIA.
We need rights to perform our duties. Constitution of India has guaranteed those rights as FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS to all citizens of India & by birth itself everyone of us has secured HUMAN RIGHTS as individuals. To express ourselves , we need information , data feed  back , to ascertain whether we are getting equal opportunity , whether  we are getting equitable justice , etc , we need information . so ,
basically Right To Information  is an inalienable part of our  fundamental rights & human rights. What RTI Act has done is fixed time  limit , responsibilities of public servants up to  certain extent. However the citizen's fundamental right & human right to seek  information extends far beyond the scope of RTI Act.
Hereby , we seek complete  truthful information from supreme court of India , with respect to my RTI application appeal. HEREBY , WE ARE  ONLY SEEKING ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVANTS  IN PUBLIC INTEREST &  JUSTICE. Hereby ,  we request you to register this appeal as a PIL  petition & to ascertain the stand of apex court on various matters  raised in my RTI Application , in public interest & equitable justice.
 Atrocities on  Women  by  JUDGES
   A – Z   of   Manipulation  of  Indian  Legal  System
Justice  Sathasivam -  Are  you  DEAF  DUMB  &  BLIND
Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Cover-up
 Hereby ,  we  do request  PIO O/O  Honourable Chief Justice of India  , PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable President of India , PIO O/O Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , PIO O/O Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , PIOs of  Karnataka Raj Bhawan , Karnataka CMO , Union Home Ministry GOI  and  DG & IG of Police of Government of Karnataka to answer the following questions in public interest , for safeguarding national security ,  National unity & integrity & to legally apprehend anti-nationals , criminals within the judiciary & police.
Main  A :
1.      What  action you have taken against judges involved in atrocities against women , casewise ? if not, why ?
2.      What action you have taken against judges involved in land scams , casewise ? if not , why ?
3.      I have shown with actual cases  how manipulation / fixing takes place , from  complaint filing to judicial pronouncement stage. Are the judges & police , above law ?
4.      I have numerous PILs , RTI appeals  before supreme court of india. But they were  not registered , not honoured , why ?
5.      To my  legal notice / show cause notice / damage payment notice to supreme court of india & chief justice of india , till date I have not received the reply , why ?
6.      Is it not the duty of supreme court of india to protect the life & liberty of all Indian citizens ?
7.      Is it not the failure of supreme court of india, when it failed to protect the life of  a complainant ?
8.      By negligence of their duties , are not supreme court judges  aiding & abetting  criminals , anti nationals & terrorists ?
9.      While crores of Indians are barely surviving  on a single piece meal a day , people dying due to starvation , supreme  court judges are getting salary & perks amounting to lakhs of rupees  from the same suffering public / public exchequer. Are not those  duty shirking judges  ashamed ?
10.   What action you have taken against judges involved in hushing up late prime minister rajiv Gandhi assassination  case ?
11.  Why the supreme court of india didn’t allow me to appear before it  in the said case of  late PM Rajiv Gandhi Assassination  Case ?
12.  Why  the supreme court of india didn’t protect my life , my job oppurtunities , my newspaper  from the wrath of criminal  nexus ?
13.  When  even cable TV  journalists , web journalists are getting PRESS / MEDIA accreditation , my web news papers , myself are not getting  PRESS accreditation since 9 years , why ?
14.  Are the supreme court  judges  hand in gloves with the criminal nexus ?
Main  B :
You have not taken appropriate action to my previous RTI requests , Numerous appeals for justice & police complaints. You have not replied to show-cause notice also. Your inaction has helped the criminals in manipulating & destroying evidences.
Your inaction / delay in performing your duties not only amounts to denial of information , but  amounts to violation of our fundamental & human rights , cover-up of crimes , aiding & abetting criminals . The criminal nexus tried to silence me in many ways. Is not these acts of your’s  a crime in itself ?
If your acts of crime cover-ups  , information / evidence cover-ups , aiding & abetting criminals , silencing a crusader  is just & legal. The same type of acts of crimes  performed by other citizens will also be legal ?
Main  C :
At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to all constitutional institutions &  to the honest few in public service. Contempt of constitutional institutions , citizens of India is being made by the corrupt persons in constitutional positions themselves. This is an appeal to the honest few in public service , constitutional positions , to bring their corrupt colleagues to book.
1.                  does the action of MPs , MLAs taking money / receiving favors from vested interests , to formulate policy decisions , to raise questions in parliament / legislative bodies or to abstain from voting  legal ?
2.                  why transparent , fair investigation is not done in such cases ?
3.                  just remember , the  vulgar acts of Mr.Bora Babu Singh in state legislature & how some  MLAs   vulgarly behaved with Ms.Jayalalita  in state legislature , years ago. Are these type of vulgar actions by MPs & MLAs  legal ? does not these constitute contempt of the house by MPs & MLAs themselves ?
4.                  all the people’s representatives from panchayath member to president of India must read ABCD  Of Democracy  provide along with.since independence of India till date , MPs & MLAs are forcing projects on people against the wishes of people , formulating policies against the wishes of people. Are not such projects , government policies & Laws , undemocratic & illegal ?
5.                  is the election commission of India verifying the authenticity of affidavits submitted by electoral candidates ?
6.                  how many candidates have been caught so far for giving false affidavits ? are all the violators prosecuted?
7.                  are the MPs , MLAs submitting their wealth details on affidavits yearly to vigilance authorities ? defaulters , violators how many ?
8.                  what legal action taken against violators , defaulters , for giving false affidavits ?
9.                  who is checking the authenticity of those affidavits submitted by MPs , MLAs ?
10.              the agricultural incomes of some MPs , MLAs , their kih & kin raises even during the time of severe drought , floods , fall in prices of agricultural products , their companies register increase in turnover / profits even during recession , the trusts / NGOs set up by them receive huge donations. Are all these income legal ?
 Main  D :
1.                  we do once again offer  our conditional services to the government of india , all state governments & supreme court of india , in apprehending  tax evaders , land grabbers , corrupt police , corrupt judges , corrupt  public servants , labor law violators , etc. whom the the government officials , vigilance authorities have failed to apprehend. Why the authorities , courts , supreme court of India , are not ready  to utilize our service ? are they afraid of being caught ?
2.                  the public servants , courts theselves are delaying giving information / records to us in many cases. So in the issues / cases raised by us , the clause of time bar doe not apply. Are these delaying tactics of public servants , courts legal ?
3.                  why no proper , timely action was not taken based on numerous police complaints made by us ?
4.                  why DG & IGP , Government of Karnataka , has not made any efforts to seek legal sanction for prosecution of VVIPs ( mentioned in our complaint ) , from union & state home ministries ?
5.                  the criminal nexus is trying to silence me in many ways , but the supreme court of India & national human rights  commission  has failed to undo the injustices , why ? is it because it is not a high profile case  ? is it because it  is not hi-fi , does not get image ratings , TRPs ?
6.                  the public servants are aiding underworld , naxalites & terrorists , by their delaying tactics & denial of information , records. What action has been taken against such anti-national elements in public service ?
7.                  how many complaints are made by Nagaraj .M.R. , Human Rights Activist , Mysore (editor of SOS e-clarion of dalit & SOS e-voice for justice) to Karnataka police , to national human rights commission  to supreme court of India till date ? what action taken with respect to each complaint ?
8.                  the delay in taking action by public servants  with respect to following cases has resulted in  more crimes , destruction / manipulation of evidences , records  and more injustices to commonman. Why the authorities did not take timely action against criminals in following cases ?
INDIA -  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?  ,  ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?  ,  ,
crimes at infosys campus  ,  ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman  ,  ,
crimes of land mafia in India  ,   ,
currency thefts in RBI Press  ,  ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India  ,  ,
Persecuted IROM SHARMILA of Puttaparthi AP – pushpa kolasani  on hunger strike in anantapur  district jail Andhra Pradesh
9.                  how many judges are caught by authorities for doing improper , immoral & illegal acts , since independence till date ? what action taken in each case ?
10.              what action taken against copy cat judges caught red handed while copying in public examination in Andhra Pradesh ?
11.              have you reviewed all the previous judicial decisions  taken by such judges of doubtful integrity & honesty ?
12.              is it not the duty of government & supreme court of India , to protect  the fundamental rights & human rights of all Indian citizens ?
13.              why the government & supreme court of India has failed to protect the fundamental rights & human rights of  me  & those mentioned in my complaint ?
14.              how many former CJIs  ,  supreme court & high court judges have disproportionate wealth ?
15.              Your denial of information to my previous RTI requests  amounts to suppression of evidence , hiding crimes , what action against erring public servants ?
16.              why my previous RTI requests or part  there of was not transferred to appropriate authorities and information given to me in a consolidated form ?

Main   E  :
Q1. Why not death sentence to corrupt police who murder people in in lock-up / fake encounters ?
Q2. Why not death sentence to corrupt police who apply 3rd degree torture on prisoners ?
Q3. Why not death sentence to corrupt police , who connive with criminals & backstabs our motherland , it’s national security ?
Q4. Don’t the police have suo-motto powers to take action in the interest of public welfare , law & order ?
Q5. Daily we see numerous reports of misdeeds by police , public servants , industrialists , etc in the media . Then why not police taking any action with respect to them ?
Q6. nowadays we see numerous reports of scams , scandals by constitutional functionaries , public servants in the media. Instead of wasting money , killing time by prolonging formation of parliamentary committees , judicial commissions , why not subject those accussed public servants to narco analysis , lie deector test , etc to ascertain truth & provide timely justice ?
Q7. If a commonman files a complaint , police / courts wants evidences , witnesses to take action against the rich & mighty crooks. Where as if a rich person just gives a complaint against a poor chap , he is arrested , tortured eventhough there are no evidences , witnesses. Why this double standard ?
Q8. If a poor chap tries to collect evidences as per his fundamental rights or as per RTI ACT , the public servants don’t give full , truthfull information. Still , police / courts don’t take action against those public servants hiding crimes. Why ?
Q9.why I was not permitted to appear as an “amicus curie” before jain commission of enquiry or supreme court of india probing late prime minister rajiv Gandhi assassination case ?
Q10. The criminal nexus tried to silence me , by closing my news paper , by snatching away my job oppurtunities in government service, by physically assaulting me , by threatening me of false fix-ups in cases & by attempts to murder me. But no action against culprits , why ?
Q11. Whereas , I was enquired number of times by police & intelligence personnel about this case , but the culprits were not enquired even once , why ?
Q12.who compensates the losses I have suffered due to these injustices ? are not police responsible for it ?
Q13. Is it not the duty of police to protect the lives , livelihood of witnesses & all parties involved , both during case & afterwards ?
Q14. How do you monitor & check corrupt police personnel & increase in their family’s wealth year after year ?
Q15. While getting appointed into government service from the rank of peon to IAS officer , police verification is mandatory. While appointing to sensitive defense establishments , research institutes in addition to police verification , central intelligence agencies cross-check candidate’s background. However is there no background checks of constitutional functionaries , MPs , MLAs , , who are privy to national secrets ? why ?
Q16. Recently , the opposition parties have made allegations during presidential allegations that close relative of one of the front running candidates have swindled public money by their bank , misused public money through one of their NGO. Is it true ?
Q17.has GOI funded any terrorist outfits in india or abroad ?
Q18.india preaches non-violence , panchasheel principles to the world. In india , more than half the population are poor , people are starving to death. Inspite these background , GOI funded & aided terrorist outfits in former east Pakistan ensuring the creation of Bangladesh , GOI has funded & aided terrorist outfits like LTTE , TULF , ETC in srilanka , MQM in Pakistan. In turn these terrorist outfits have murdered thousands of innocents in those countries. Are these acts of GOI just & legal ? Is not GOI responsible for all those murders of innocents ? has GOI paid any compensation to those victims or their family mebers ? why not ?
Q19.within india , to reduce the influence of certain terrorist groups , GOI has funded & aided couter terrorist groups , is it right & legal ?
Q20. In Jharkhand , chattisgarh , etc , the government has armed , trained & funded “salwa judum” to counter naxalites. Salwa judum cadres are terrorizing innocents just like naxalites. Is this action of government just & legal ? india, TADA , POTA is being rampantly misused by police. Even where there are no problems of terrorism , TADA / POTA is being slapped against innocents , even children. In M.M.Hills of Karnataka state , STF personnel charged tribal people with TADA on frivolous charges of taking lunch to veerappan , stiching dress for the forest brigand, etc. where as the prominent political, film , sports personalities who have links with underworld , anti national elements & attended parties hosted by dawood Ibrahim , other dons in gulf countries , else where. But these hi-fi people are not charged with TADA / POTA ? why ?
Q22. Film actor sanjay dutt had contacts with underworld & fully knowing well the criminal objectives of criminals , hid the dangerous arms & ammunition in his home , which were intended for terrorizing public. However mr.dutt is not charged with TADA / POTA instead he is charged with illegal possession of arms act ( which is normally applied to farmers who use illegal home made guns to scare away animals , birds in their farms ). Why this favourable treatment of mr.dutt by police ? prosecution ? is this because dutt is politically mighty & rich ?
Q23. Law is one & same for all , the public servants, police interpretes , enforces it differentially between rich & poor ? why this differentiation ?
Q24.recently in Bangalore police nabbed criminals belonging to international criminal syndicate selling duplicate nokia mobiles. Every nokia mobile comes with 15 digit IMEI number , this number is also used by police for tracking criminals. In consumer dispute at consumer disputes redressal forum Mysore CD 49/05 , nokia company stated that all it’s products come with IMEI number only & stated that the product in dispute sold by tata indicom dealer M/S INTOTO COMMUNICATIONS , Mysore are not their’s as it doesn’t have IMEI numbers. Further nokia stated they don’t have any business relationship with either tata indicom or it’s dealer. However the tata indicom dealer stated that indeed his products are genuine , first hand products , but doesn’t have IMEI numbers . this proves the dealer in collusion with tata company is selling illegal nokia mobile hand sets & cheating the public. These mobiles are evading taxes , as well as these are without IMEI numbers best buy for criminal elements who want to evade police tracking. What police are doing
Q25. Who , of which rank among police personnel takes the decision to close a case ie to file “B” report , when after certain time limit no leads are found in investigation ?
Q26. How do you monitor corrupt police personnel , who purposefully fail to investigate case properly , so that either the case can be closed with “B” report or the prosecution fails to prove the case in court ?
Q27. Who among police takes the decision to appeal against the verdict of a lower court , when the prosecution fails ?
Q28. Who took the decision , not to appeal against the argentina court order acquitting mr.quatrochi accussed in bofors scandal ?
Q29. Do you treat all the prison convicts same in the prison or does the notorious big time rich criminals get spacious barracks with tv, news paper , adequate food , medical care , etc while small time criminals , poor are crammed into pig sty like rooms with 60-70 inmates without any basic requirements ?
Q30. What is the status of my complaint made to the DG & IG of police , government of Karnataka on 10/12/2004 ? the copies of complaint was released at press meet at patrakartara bhavan Mysore on same day, even copies were given to police & intelligence personnel ?
Q31. Why no action , reply regarding the complaint till date ?
Q32. Our constitutional frame workers gave legal immunity privileges to certain constitutional functionaries , so that they are not burdened with frivolous court cases & can concentrate on their constitutional duties. But these privileges doesn’t cover the individual actions of those public servants like rape , murder , dowry harassment , tax evasion , misuse of office , etc. but still law enforcement / police department is bound to send request to home ministry seeking permission & home ministry sits over files for months. This gives the accussed ample time to destroy evidences. Is it right & legal ?
Q33. Does legal immunity privileges cover their official actions alone ? if not what does it cover ?
Q34. What is the time limit for home ministry to give sanction for the prosecution of tainted constitutional functionaries ?
Q35. How many present MPs , MLAs , MUNICIAPAL CORPORATORS , other people’s representatives are facing criminal charges ?
Q36. In the past , how many MPs , MLAs , corporators were facing criminal charges , yearwise since 1987 ? how many of them were eventually convicted ?
Q37. How many MPs , MLAs , prominent film , sports personalities have have contacts with underworld , foreign intelligence agencies ?
Q38. How many of them have attended frequent parties hosted by underworld dons in gulf countries , else where ?
Q39. How many MP , MLA , other people’s representatives are wanted by police in various cases . but shown in the police records as absconding but in reality are attending the proceedings of the house as usual ?
Q40. When did smt. Sonia Gandhi became a citizen of india ? did she occupy any public office before naturalization ?
Q41. In india , how many MPs , MLAs , MLCs are of foreign origin or have a spouse of foreign origin ?
Q42. Does smt. Sonia Gandhi have citizenship of any other country ?
Q43. Did she occupy any public office while enjoying dual citizenship ?
Q44. How do you monitor public servants who have spouses of foreign origin & while they are on foreign tour , from national security perspective ?
Q45. Is mr. M.S SUBBA member of parliament a citizen of india ?
Q46. What is the status of complaint made by former union minister mr.subramanya swamy alleging that late P.M rajiv gandhi’s family received money from foreign intelligence agencies ?
Q47. In many cases like mass riots involving certain political parties , when that culprit party comes to power all the cases involving it’s partymen are withdrawn by the government orelse prosecution fails to prove it’s case & prefers not to appeal. Just remember Bombay riot case involving shiv sainiks & others , when shiv sena – BJP came to power in Maharashtra , all the cases against it’s partymen were withdrawn. Are these type of decisions by government just & legal ?
Q48.what damages has been done to india’s national security due to mole in the PMO, as alleged by former union minister mr.natwar singh ?
Q49. What action by the government ?
Q50. How many Indians are in the custody of police / military in various foreign countries ?
Q51. How many foreigners are there in Indian prisons ?
Q52. How GOI is protecting the human rights of these prisoners ?
Q53. Is the government paying any compensation to victims of police failures , fix-ups , , who suffer in jail for years & acquitted by courts upon finding them as not guilty ?
Q54. Do you register murder charges / attempt to murder charges against guilty police officers who are responsible for lock-up deaths , fake encounters & 3rd degree torture ?
Q55. How many cases has been filed since 1987 till date ?
Q56. What action has been taken against guilty police officers , STF personnel who were responsible for gross human rights violations , 3rddegree torture , lock-up deaths of innocents in forest brigand veerappan’s territory , based on justice A.J.Sadashiva commission findings ? if not why ?
Q57. I , as a citizen of india as my “fundamental duty” hereby do offer my conditional services to GOI & GOK to apprehend corrupt public servants. Are you ready to utilize my services ?
Q58. Police personnel are always in the forefront of containing crimes , mass fury , riots , etc. they suffer more & even their family members suffer threats from the criminal elements. Do the government provide insurance coverage to police & their family members on the lines of defense forces ?
Q59. What is the amount of coverage to a police constable & his family ?
Q60. Who makes the premium contributions ?
Q61. Do the government provide overtime allowance , food allowance to police who daily work beyond 8 hours of duty ?
Q62. Is the government giving any training to police personnel in public interaction , human rights ?
Q63. Is it right to post professionally trained police to sentry , orderly duties of ministers ?
Q64. What is the ratio of police personnel to total population in india since 1987 ?
Q66. Is the forensic science department which conducts narcfo-analysis , lie-detector test , etc under the control of police department ?
Q67. Is it not right to put it under impartial control of NHRC or like bodies ?
Q68. Is the action of some police officers arranging compromise meetings & subtly insisting the poor to tow the line of rich or else face the consequences , is it right & legal ? this happens mostly in real estate matters.
Q69. Did government make any ransom payments to forest brigand veerappan during his various kidnappings ?
Q70. What action has been taken based on revealations by karim telgi during narco analysis about public servants involvement ?
Q71. How many cases of allegations against judges were made in the media about misuse of office , criminal acts by judges from munsiff court to supreme court of India ? since 1947 till date
Q72. are the enquiry report findings, action taken reports of such cases accessible to public ? if not why ?
Q73. what action has been taken against guilty judges ?
Q74. are the guilty judges legally prosecuted in all such cases ? or has it just ended with their resignation from services or his superior judge not allotting him any judicial work ?
Q75. why some high ranking judges are not legally prosecuted for their wrong doings ?
Q76. are judges above law ? are not everybody equal before law ?
Q77. do the judiciary subject , all the cases handled by accussed / tainted , guilty judges to review , to undo past unjust judgements ?
Q78. how ? if not why ?
Q79. how do the judiciary monitor the net wealth growth of some judges including the wealth in the name of judge’s family members ?
Q80. do all the judges file their annual income , wealth statements on sworn affidavits to the higher judiciary ? defaulters how many ?
Q81. how does the judiciary verifies those statements ?
Q82. is such statements made public , on web ?
Q83. when the judgement of a lower court is turned down by the higher court , what action is initiated against lower court judge for making unjust judgement & meating out injustice ?
Q84. when allegations of corruption , misuse of office , etc against judges are made , why the accussed – judges are not subjected to tests like “poly graph , lie detector , brain mapping , etc” , in the interest of justice & truth ?
Q85. judges are not employees of government , so they are ineligible to be the members of “Karnataka state government judicial department house building co-operative society”. Then how come , many judges including supreme court judges are admitted as members of this society & allotted prime residential site worth crores of rupees for a few thousands by the said society at said society’s – judicial layout , yelahanka , Bangalore ? while the ordinary members like peons , clerks in judicial department are waiting for a site since years , is not the whole thing grossly illegal ?
Q86. in more than 70% of cases before all courts in India , central government or state government or government agency is one of the parties. How many judges or their family members , have received out of turn , favourable allotments of sites , gas agency , petrol pumps , etc by the government ? is not such allotments illegal ? what action ?
Q87. when a person under police custody or judicial custody suffer 3rd degree torture by police , is not the judge of the respective court which is handling that tortured person’s case responsible for it ?
Q88. has the higher judiciary legally prosecuted respective judges & the police officers for committing 3rd degree torture , on charges of attempt to murder & murder ? if not why ?
Q89. registrar , Mysore district & sessions court , has called for the candidatures to various vacancies in that court from the public vide notification no : ADMN/A/10825/2003 dated 19/11/2003. Please furnish me the merit ranking list of selected candidates along with my merit ranking for the post of peon.
Q90. registrar , Bangalore city civil court , has called for the candidatures to various vacancies in that court from the public vide notification no : ADM-I(A)422/03 dated 19/05/2003. Please furnish me merit ranking list of selected candidates for the post of peon.
Q91. when a person doesn’t get adequate food , medical care while under police custody or judicial custody , is not the respective judge dealing that person’s case responsible for it ? what action ?
Q92. how judiciary is monitoring food & medical care to prisoners ?
Q93. numerous accussed persons are suffering in jail under judicial custody , for periods far exceeding the legally stipulated sentence periods. For example : a pick-pocketer is in jail for one year , the judge finds him guilty of offence & gives him 3 months sentence. What about the excess punishment of 9 months. Is not the judge responsible for the illegal , excess punishment of the convict ? what action against the judge in such cases ?
Q94. numerous innocents suffer in jail for years & finally the judge finds them as innocents & acquits them of the charges. What about the prison sentence , the innocent has already served ? is not the judge responsible for this illegal , unjust punishment to an innocent ? remedy ? what action against the judge ?
Q95. does the privileges of judges cover both their official actions & the actions arising out of misuse of office ?
Q96. does the privileges of judges cover both their official actions as judges & their personal actions as individuals ?
Q97. are the fundamental rights of citizens supreme or the privileges of judges , constitutional functionaries supreme ?
Q98. what is the criteria adopted for promotion of judges ?
Q99. what is the criteria adopted for appointment of advocates from bar , as the judges ?
Q100. what is the criteria adopted for appointment of retired judges , as governors of states , members or as chairman of commissions , etc ?
Q101. how many judges belonging to oppressed classes – scheduled caste , scheduled tribe , other backward classes , minorities & women are their in supreme court , state high courts & subordinate courts ? kindly provide specific figures .
Q102. what are the legal measures enforced by judiciary , to enforce the accountability of judges & to check corruption in judiciary ?
Q103. are not these measures a failure , looking at present state of affairs of judiciary ?
Q104. does the judges arrange for distribution of alchoholic drinks at the official meetings , parties , at the tax payer’s expense ?
Q105. does any judges have included their consumption of alchoholic drinks , in their hotel bill & claimed traveling allowance ?
Q106. what action has been taken against – selectors ie Karnataka high court judges & newly selected women judges involved in roost resort scandal in Mysore , Karnataka ?
Q107. when common people / tax payers & even government employees are not getting proper health care from government at government hospitals. Is it right & just to provide premium health care to judges , constitutional functionaries at 5-star private hospitals in India , abroad , all at tax payer’s expense ?
Q108. are the judges subjected to periodical health check-ups to ascertain their health , mental faculties & mental balance in the midst of all work pressures , emotional tensions ?
Q109. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary for accepting applications seeking public interest litigations ?
Q110. why numerous appeals for PIL by me , were not considered ?
Q111. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary , for appointing “amicus curie” in a case ?
Q112. why my appeal to honourable supreme court , to make me as an “amicus curie” in late P.M Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination case , was not considered by the court ?
Q113. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary , for initiating suo-motto action ?
Q114. numerous cases of injustices are reported in the media daily , with supporting evidences . why not the judiciary take suo-motto action in all such cases ?
Q115. legal aid boards pre-judge the cases in the name of taking legal opinion , before providing legal aid to the needy ? is it not needy person’s rights violation ?
Q116. is not the safety of witnesses , parties in cases responsibility of the court , both during hearing of the case & afterwards ?
Q117. is the use of 3rd degree torture by police on prisoners , during the police custody / judicial custody / prison sentence right ? what action ?
Q118. when the corrupt police officer & government prosecution advocate together cover-up evidences , conducts improper investigation intentionally to fail the case – to cover-up rich crooks , high & mighty people , what action judge takes in such cases ?
Q119. how does the judiciary monitor the wealth growth of police , government advoctes , tax officials , officials of licensing authorities , to ensure proper & fair prosecution of cases against rich & mighty ?
Q120. what are the status of appeals made by human rights activist NAGARAJ.M.R. to the honourable supreme court of India ?
Q121. corruption is rampant for selection of officers to quasi-judicial positions like district / taluk magistrates , tax officers , revenue officers , land acquisition officers , etc. how the judiciary monitors over their quasi-judicial actions ?
Q122. subject to conditions , I , NAGARAJ.M.R. , editor , e-voice of human rights watch , do offer my free services to honourable supreme court of India , to apprehend corrupt judges , are you – the honourable court ready to utilize it ?
Q123. what are the status of my appeals , sent to the honourable supreme court of India , through government of india’s on-line grievance system ( DPG & DARPG ) :
DPG/M/2006/80008 , DARPG/E/2006/00057, DARPG/E/2006/00225 , DPG/M/2006/80021 , DARPG/E/2006/00253 , DPG/M/2006/80032 , DARPG/E/2006/01149 , DPG/M/2006/80047 , DARPG/E/2006/01164 , DPG/M/2006/80043 , DPG/M/2006/80085 , DARPG/E/2006/06704 , DARPG/E/2006/07017 , DARPG/E/2006/07018 , DPG/M/2006/80159 , DPG/M/2006/80162 , DARPG/E/2006/07864 , DPG/M/2006/80165 , DARPG/E/2006/07877 , DPG/M/2006/80167 , DARPG/E/2006/08028 , DARPG/E/2006/08029 , DARPG/E/2006/08032 , DARPG/E/2006/08043 , DARPG/E/2006/08044 , DPG/M/2006/80174 , DPG/M/2006/80193 , DARPG/E/2007/00044 , DPG/M/2007/80003 , DPG/M/2007/80010 , DARPG/E/2007/00164 , DARPG/E/2007/00165 , DPG/M/2007/80014 , DPG/M/2007/80025 , DPG/M/2007/80049 , DPG/M/2007/80055 , DPG/M/2007/80056 , DPG/M/2007/80078 , DPG/M/2007/80082 , DARPG/E/2007/02618
Q124. the appeals made to the honourable supreme court of India , copies of which are available at following web pages , , , , ,
what are the status of those appeals ?
Q125. in the media , we have seen reports about judges committing crimes – rape , attempt to murder , swindling government money , untouchability practice , the disrespect to national flag , sale of judicial orders , bail , receipt of monetary gains by way of royalty for books , prime real estate purchase at discounted rate , taking round about long foreign tours along with family in the name of official work , etc. by this way , judges themselves are making contempt of court , constitution of India & citizens of India. How you are protecting the honour of the judiciary , constitution of India & citizens of India ? please answer.
Q126. Is the government giving any facilities / affirmative actions to policemen’s family as being given to defense personnel , ex-servicemen & their families , like preferential site allotment , lpg agency , ration depot , reservation in college admission , soft bank loans , etc ?
Q126. if not , why ? after all , the contribution of police to national security is on par with defense forces.
Q127. is not some high police officials addressing their subordinates in singular term , abusing them with vulgar words wrong ?
Q128. is not some police personnel calling public with singular term, abusing public with vulgar words wrong ?
Q129. is it not the duty of prison authorities to protect the health, lives of prison in-mates ?
Q130.what action is taken against police personnel who wrongly charged an innocent person of criminal acts , resulting in his confinement in jail , finally acquitted by court as found to be innocent ?
Q131. is it not right to with hold salary , gratuity , pension to such guilty police personnel & pay it as compensation to victims of police failures & atrocities ?
Q132. does our Indian constitution legally permit a citizen of foreign origin naturalized by marriage to an Indian or naturalized by option , to occupy any constitutional office ?
Q133. during british rule in india & various other british colonies , criminal cases were foisted against our freedom fighters in India & other british colonies. After india’s independence what happened to those cases ? did our Indian government close all such cases or did it continue with the prosecution ?
Q134. in how many cases GOI & other state government continued with the prosecution AGAINST OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS ? why ?
Q135. what about the status of cases against shri.netaji subash Chandra bose ?
Q136. has GOI deported any freedom fighters to Britain or it’s colonies , to face prosecution after India gained independence ? HAS GOI RECEIVED ANY REQUEST FROM BRITAIN TO THAT EFFECT ? if yes , why , whom ?
Q.137. the honourable supreme court of India failed provide information to me as per my RTI request appeal no : 91 / 2007 in response to your letter no : F1 / RTI / A.91 / 2007 dt 13.12.07 , why ?
Q138 . the honourable union home secretary failed to give me information as per my rti request , he transferred my application to others , in turn they transferred the application to some others. Finally , complete truthful information was not given , why ? as the union home secretary has got copies of all those replies in response to transferred RTI application , will he send me a consolidated reply to my present RTI request ?
Q139. in a high profile case before the honourable delhi high court , we have seen how defense advocate mr. R.S.ANAND & prosecution advocate mr. I.U.KHAN made a secret pact to win the case in favour of rich criminal , totally manipulating prosecution witnesses , evidences & prosecution stand , totally making mockery of justice system . how you are ensuring the delivery of justice , there being numerous such advocates in practice ?
Q140. Smt. Sonia Gandhi is person of foreign origin , she wields enormous clout more than the Prime Minister himself over the government of India being the chair person of UPA. Is she legally permitted to summon confidential official records , minutes of the cabinet , to hold the cabinet meeting of union ministers ?
Q141. As per law , is she permitted to hold constitutional offices like prime minister of India or president of India , etc ?
Q.142. What are the fundamental rights of a citizen guaranteed under the constitution (Article 21) ?
Q143. What are the privileges conferred on legislators & parliamentarians by the constitution of India?
a) Inside the House b) Outside the House
Q144. What are privileges conferred on constitutional functionaries, like
a) President of India b) Prime Minister of India
c) Chief Justice of India d) Chairman of NHRC
e) Central Vigilance Commissioners.
Q145. Are the privileges legal immunity conferred on above mentioned constitutional functionaries ?
a) Cover all their official actions irrespective of merit.
b) Cover both their official & personal actions.
Q146. Are the privileges defined & codified ?
Q147. Are these privileges above freedom of the press ?
Q148. Are the liberty & fundamental rights of the citizens guaranteed by the constitution, above the privileges of the constitutional functionaries or equal or below ?
Q149. Can the Indian legislatures & parliament be equated to the House of commons in England which is considered to be a superior court and court of records ?
Q150. Can the division of powers, namely the legislature, the executive and the Judiciary, be equated to the functioning of the House of commons and House of Lords in England ?
Q151. Can a citizen be said to have committed breach of privilege of the House or court and causing contempt of the house or court by raising the issues of accountability of constitutional functionaries ?
Q152. Can a Legislature or Parliament enact a new law, to circumvent or to nullify the Judicial orders with respect to wrongdoings by peoples representatives & executive ? does not it amount to infringement of Judicial powers & contempt of the court by the House.
Q153. Are the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES of a citizen more important than constitutional duties of a constitutional functionary or equal in importance to it ?
Q154. Can a constitutional functionary commit crimes, anti-national activities in the name of constitutional duties, behind the legal veil of official’s secret act & go unaccountable for his actions and go unpunished by his legal immunity privileges
Q155. Are the Legislators members of parliament, High court & Supreme court Judges and other constitutional functionaries not willing to codify their privileges for the reason that if codified their privileges would be curtailed and their action would be subjected to legal scrutiny. ?
Q156. By votes of citizens Legislators and parliamentarians get seats in the legislature and Parliament out of tax payer’s money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-Star luxurious lifestyles. Hence whether a vote of a citizen is above (More valid) or a seat of legislator or parliamentarian is above or more valid in a democracy ?
Q157. Judges & Constitutional functionaries are indirectly appointed by voters / tax payers. Out of tax payers money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-star luxurious lifestyles. Hence, whether the vote of a citizen, fundamental duties of a tax payer is above (more valid) or a seat of judge / constitutional functionary is above (more
valid) in a democracy ?
Q158. If there is a vacuum in the Legislature or parliament, who is to fill up that vacuum till such time that the legislature or parliament acts provide a solution by performing its role by enacting proper legislation to cover the field (vacuum) ?
Q159. While it is an unhealthy practice for a Judge to claim to be a Judge in his own cause, is it not worse for the members of the legislature and parliament to be judges in their own cause ?
Q160. Are the Technicalities of the case more important to a judge or Justice to a citizen, protection of fundamental rights of citizen.?
Q161. Why not the constitutional functionaries initiate suo moto action with respect to numerous cases of injustices reported in Media ?
Q162. Why not the Judges admit various cases of Injustices affecting public, as the Public Interest Litigation” ? In some cases, the Public or the person representing them is unable to afford the high cost of the case. Why not free legal aid is given ?.
Q163. What is the criteria for admitting a P.I.L. & giving free legal aid ?
Q164. Communication – free flow of information is the lifeline of a democracy. Why the constitutional functionaries are not honouring the Right to Information of Citizens ?
Q165. Recently , while assuming office as honourable chief justice of Karnataka , justice. P.D.DINAKAR , gave a blanket withdrawal of all internal departmental enquiries against approximately 200 judges , is it just & legal ? give me the names of accused judges & description of charges against them ?
Q166. does it not show that judges are more equal than others ?
Q167. who are involved in PF scam ? what action against guilty judges ?
Q168. Why you did not give information to me as per RTI Act inspite of appeal ? refer. F1/RTI/A91/2007.
Q169. Almost a year ago , in the Karnataka state new chief justice of Karnataka high court honble Mr.Dinakar (now elevated to supreme court of India) just on assuming offices within hours scrapped disciplinary inquiry proceedings against 200+ erring judges. In such a short time no human being can study all the cases in detail , then how come he arrived at this vital decision in such short time? Who are those 200+ judges facing enquiry ?
Q170 .Recently in the Karnataka state , high court found out that a district judge without conducting hearings properly , entering fictious dates of hearings (which happens to be government holidays ) facilitated in exonerating a top politician . has the court enquired into the previous judgements of the accussed judge ? did it find any wrongdoings?
Q171. As per law , while on duty a person should not be drunk , under the influence of alchohol , as it limits the functioning of his senses & brain. That is why the acts & sayings of drunkards , committed / said when they are drunk are not taken seriously. However most of the police officers after evening hours are drunk , in that state only they apprehend many suspects & produce those suspects at the residences of magistrates before magistrate during wee hours / night. Some of of the judges are also drunk during that time. Does the senses of drunken police & judges work properly to do their respective duties in identifying criminals , apprehending them & to issue judicial orders. Are these actions of police & judges in drunken state legal ?
Q 172 . What action  has been taken in bhopal gas leak case against the guilty police officials who changed the charge sheet against union carbide officials ?
Q 173 . What action has been taken against guilty police officials , district magistrate , state ministers & central ministers who fully aided the criminals – Union Carbide official  Mr. Anderson to escape law , to jump bail  & flee the country without court’s permission ?
Q 174 . What action has been taken against the above said guilty with respect to their contempt of court  & for aiding a criminal to escape ?
Q 175. What action has been taken against the chief justice of India , who changed the legal clause under which the guilty should be tried ?  what action has been taken against the CJI who  became an official of the  trust belonging to the criminal ?
Q 176 . What action has been taken against the Indian Public servant who decided to withdraw cases from US Courts with respect to Bhopal gas tragedy ?
Q 177 . What action has been taken against the state labour department & pollution control board officials who have failed in their duties , inspite of earlier warnings by journalists ?
Q 178 . What action has been taken against state cabinet ministers who decided the quantum of compensation money to favour the criminal although they don’t have right to do so ?
Q 179 . What action has been taken against Presiding Judge of the trial court , Chief Justice of India , state police officials , public prosecutors & Central Bureau of Investigation officials who kept quite all along and didn’t  press for the extradition of the criminal Mr.Anderson , for  producing the criminal accussed no.1 before the trial court ?
Q 180 . Is it not SHAMEFUL for the judiciary , police , government officials & people’s representatives who became part of Operation Crime Hush Up & aided criminals responsible for ghastly murders of  thousands & maiming of lakhs of hapless public in Bhopal Gas Leak Tragedy?
Q 181 . Are these Corrupt Police , corrupt judges , corrupt ministers , corrupt  labour / pollution control board officials  HUMAN BEINGS ?
Q  182    Why  police are  not registering my complaint   against  CJI & other VVIPS ,Even after years ?
Q   183   don’t the  police of vijayanagar police station mysore have legal  jurisdiction  to register  the case  against these VVIPs ? or  just  because the criminals happens to be VVIPs  ,they  are  not booked  by police? If the  said  police don’t have  legal jurisdiction to book  these VVIPs , they should have  transferred the complaint  to  those authorities who have jurisdiction &   authority to book  & prosecute   these  VVIPs , but not done  so , why ?
Q  184  are not all these actions , of  VVIPs & police amounting to  cover up of crimes & criminals ? are  not  these cover ups itself is a crime ?
Q  185.  Even an appeal for justice by post card must be treated as PIL by courts of justice . however my appeals  for justice  concerning public welfare , national security  sent  through  post , e-mail  to supreme court of india are not admitted as Public interest litigation , why ?  does  not these acts of Supreme court amount to aiding criminals , anti nationals?
Q 186   Are not  the honourable chief justice of india  together  with the jurisdictional police & Revenue district magistrate  responsible  to protect  the  fundamental & human rights  of people ?  why the CJI , Mysore DC & Jurisdictional Police  have failed to protect the fundamental & human rights of  people  including mine ? For all the previous injustices I have suffered at the hands of the criminal nexus  Honourable CJI , Mysore revenue district magistrate & jurisdictional police  are  together responsible , if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members or to my dependents the quartet  – Honourable Chief Justice of India , Honourable District Magistrate , Mysore , Honourable Police Commissioner of Mysore city & Circle Inspector of police , vijayanagar police station  , mysore  will be responsible .
These corrupt  parasites will feel  , understand the pain only when they also suffer in the same manner. Let us pray to almighty – In  whose  Court of justice  MATCH FIXING is not there & every body is equal , let us pray to that god to give these corrupt parasites ghastly deaths nothing less nothing more.
 FEES PAID : IPO  16G  733465  for rupees  TWENTY  only

 DATE :  28.03.2015 ……………..………………………NAGARAJA.M.R.


Name : ...........................NAGARAJA.M.R. 

Address : ...................LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP

Old  Titles :  Dalit’s Diary , Indian’s  Diary  & Dalit Online

Title  of New  Paper  formed by merger of above three news weeklies :  DALIT  ONLINE

Periodicity : WEEKLY


Donations : NOT ACCEPTED. Self financing . Never accepted any donations , subscriptions either for ourselves or on behalf of other organizations / individuals .

Monetary Gains : nil , never made any monetary gain by way of advertisements on my websites or web news paper or otherwise.

Owner/Editor/Printer/Publisher : NAGARAJA.M.R.

Nationality : INDIAN

Body Donation : Physical Body of Nagaraja M R , Editor , DALIT  ONLINE   is donated to JSS Medical College , Mysore ( Donation No. 167 dated 22 / 10 / 2003 ) , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my body must be handed over to JSS Medical College , Mysore for the study purposes of medical students. 

Eye Donation : Both EYES of Nagaraja M R , Editor ,  DALIT  ONLINE  are donated to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my eyes must be handed over to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore WITHIN 6 Hours for immediate eye transplantation to the needy. 

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It is the duty of Supreme Court of India to Protect , Guard the constitutional rights , fundamental rights of every Indian citizen . Since 25 years  I am  appealing  to SCI  about  issues concerning public welfare , national security , etc and as a result suffering injustices , my constitutional rights , human rights are repeatedly violated  but SCI is mum even when repeated appeals were made to it. Paradoxically , after these appeals for justice , I have suffered more injustices , attempts on my life were made ,  physically assaulted , livelihood  / jobs were  denied , news publication closed , press accreditation denied ,  received threatening  calls , blank calls, even to date  rough elements follow us , rough elements  scout  near home at mid night. Does  not these indicate some ties between rough elements & SCI  Judges ?

Public Interest Litigation is an appeal  for justice  to the courts , to redress  the injustices meted out to  the public.  Individual cases of injustices  pertaining to an individual are not covered under PIL, however  an individual an activist  who  is fighting for public causes  suffering  injustices  as a result of   his struggle  ,caused by powers that be to silence him  can club  his individual case under the public causes  (PIL ) he is  appealing.

Nowadays people of questionable character , integrity  are being selected to public posts , end result is present day india.  In the following web sites I have shown  few actual cases of crimes by judges & police , just imagine what type of justice common man gets.
Traitors  in   Indian  Judiciary & Police
Crimes  by  Khaki  ,
 Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?
Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?

I ,NAGARAJA.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits , rich crooks , criminals even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective. 
   Powers that  be , higher ups have referred all my previous cases to police although in most of the cases  police don’t  have jurisdiction over it.  It  sends  a subtle message by police force to  the  complainant  to keep silent . In the remaining cases  which are under their jurisdiction police  don’t act against higher ups , high & mighty. In such cases police lack  practical powers , their hands are tied although they  are  honest.  As a end result , police  have repeatedly called   me to police station  number of  times  ( have never called guilty  influential persons even once)  took  statement  from  me and closed  the files.  Hereby , I do make it clear  the statements made by me  in my original petitions , PILs , news papers  , etc  while I was in  a free & fair atmosphere  are  TRUE  , over rides , prevails over all the statements made by me before police  earlier and  which will be made by me  in future before police.

If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members - In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional functionaries. 
On this Universal Human Rights Day  all our three news weeklies  DALIT’S  DIARY ,  INDIAN’S  DIARY  & DALIT  ONLINE  are merged  to form a single  news weekly  with  name of  DALIT  ONLINE.

date :  25.02.2018…………………………..Your's sincerely,

place : India…………………………………...Nagaraja.M.R. 

Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA     Cell : 91 8970318202

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